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Liam Moat

Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft


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Create a Visual Studio solution using the dotnet CLI

By Liam Moat.

The .NET Core command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform toolchain for developing .NET applications. This post will explore creating a Visual Studio solution using the CLI without needing to rely on Visual Studio.

Bitbucket Pipelines and Unit Testing .NET Core

By Liam Moat.

Atlassian recently announced continuous delivery inside Bitbucket with Pipelines - build, test and deploy from Bitbucket. Shortly after Microsoft announced the release of .NET Core 1.0. Pipelines can build Node, Ruby, Python, PHP and anything else you can run in a Docker image - including .NET Core. Take a look how to use Pipelines to not only build a .NET Core project, but test it as well!